The Partnership
“Midwives hold much the same position in the world of birth as do the makers of artisanal foods in the world of cooking.” – Barbara Katz Rothman
Just as a baker understands that the type of wheat grain she uses, the temperature and humidity content of the air on bake day, the careful attention paid to the length of time in the oven, the midwife knows that each woman and baby is a unique pair that needs individualized attention rather than a preformed protocol. Birth with midwives is not a one size fits all approach. Lael and Shannon combine their knowledge, skills, experience and intuition to offer you and your baby the appropriate ‘time in the oven’ so to speak. We believe in not only individualized care, but also in a woman’s right to informed choice. Each suggestion we make for your care is a discussion, not a dictate. That includes all of our suggestions, from chiropractic care to a postpartum shot of Pitocin. Medical freedom is an enduring value for us, both in our own lives, and in our practice. After all, it is you the women who must actively give birth; we are there to make sure the conditions are safe and right, so that you can birth in freedom and beauty.